Updating Robinson Junior High: On January 9th, a Facilities Advisory Group met to discuss facility plans and possibilities for the Junior High campus. Click below for information shared at that meeting: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VyWwM4e5iTaoaQsPba__pmW3bMw7BAnq/view
about 6 years ago, Michael Hope
We are thankful for our school board every day and especially want to recognize them during #SchoolBoardMonth. Thank you for volunteering your time to the students and staff in RISD.
about 6 years ago, Colette Pledger
School Board Appreciation Month
RISD is blessed with amazing teachers and staff! We are thankful for all and excited to honor these as November teacher and staff of the month as selected by their colleagues! https://youtu.be/YGg5U6ZDaJg
about 6 years ago, Colette Pledger
The entire Pride of the Blue finished an excellent evening of great performances!! We have such talented young women and men!! #RobinsonISD #RocketsShineBright
about 6 years ago, Michael Hope
Christmas Concert 2018
RISD Choir students performing their Christmas concert. Thank you First Baptist Church for allowing us to sing in your beautiful church.
about 6 years ago, Tim VanCleave
Sing 3
Sing 2
6th, 7th, and 8th grade band sounded amazing at the Christmas Concert! Thank you to all our students and band directors for your hard work!
about 6 years ago, Colette Pledger
7th grade band
Excited to hear third grade sing tonight! Thank you to Kara Ficke for your leadership! #RobinsonISD
about 6 years ago, Colette Pledger
Grade 3
Grade 3
Third graders singing O Tannenbaum! #RobinsonISD
about 6 years ago, Colette Pledger
Grade 3
The is a reminder that the Christmas Parade & Tree Lighting was rescheduled to this evening. Line-up will begin at 5:15 p.m. with the parade beginning at 6 p.m. Unfortunately, there have been some scheduling conflicts with this new date, one of those being the Robinson Junior High basketball games. But, the parade line-up and actual parade should not interfere with access and parking for those games and hopefully, players and attendees can step out to Lyndale in-between games to enjoy the floats as they go by.
about 6 years ago, Tim VanCleave
Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting
Due to the weather, the Christmas parade for tonight has been canceled. If it is rescheduled, we will forward you that information.
about 6 years ago, Bryan Fuqua
Thank you to Ashley Sullivan and Shawn Knoble for having students create designs they submitted for the RISD 2018 Christmas card. Student designs chosen are pictured with teacher Ashley Sullivan at Robinson Primary. #RobinsonISD
about 6 years ago, Colette Pledger
Christmas Card designs
RISD Christmas Card with Ashley Sullivan & student designers
Today, these students from Robinson Primary were notified that their designs were used on the RISD Christmas card for 2019! #RobinsonISD
about 6 years ago, Colette Pledger
Primary student notification of Christmas card design winners
Celebration of designs used on Christmas cards
Congratulations to Willie Thomas on completing his Master’s Degree in Instructional Technology! We are proud of you! #robinsonisd @wiltjomas370
about 6 years ago, Tim VanCleave
Picture 1
JH Expo is in full swing with a math version of Twas the Night Before Christmas!
over 6 years ago, Colette Pledger
Algebraic reasoning - x and y
Congratulations Quenten! Way to represent your family, community, and all Rockets! #RobinsonISD #RNQ #RocketsShineBright https://tarletonsports.com/news/2018/11/29/cross-country-lasseter-darthuy-named-stephenville-apartments-student-athletes-of-the-month-for-november.aspx
over 6 years ago, Michael Hope
Congratulations to our awesome teachers and staff members of the month for October!! #RobinsonISD #RocketsShineBright @robinsonprimary @elemrob @risgreatness @whatsnewatrjh @risdHS https://youtu.be/4cV4PXhm2xs
over 6 years ago, Michael Hope
Please consider supporting Robinson PD's Blue Santa! #RobinsonISD
over 6 years ago, Michael Hope
RPD Blue Santa
Happy Thanksgiving from Robinson ISD!! We are thankful for our wonderful students, staff, and community! Praying for a joyful day with family and friends! #Robinson ISD
over 6 years ago, Michael Hope
Let’s go Rockets! #RobinsonISD
over 6 years ago, Colette Pledger
Rocket playoffs 2018