#RobinsonISD is excited to partner with Mentoring Alliance for Summer Camps hosted at Robinson Elementary. Space is limited! Registration and more information can be found at: http://bit.ly/MASummerCampRobinsonISD An FAQ is located at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vS-Bb_ShihimRsBLkiy5aYuOnDh-QwXWM3IxD3HG1Vz-fdC76tOjIGE--8PUmR8o1vtZRDjU5-J3CMi/pub
Baseball at home today!
This week in Athletics. RNQ!
It's time for #RobinsonISD Pre-K and Kindergarten Roundup for the 2023-2024 school year! If you have a child, or know someone that will attend next year, please complete and share this form. This information helps us prepare for next year. https://forms.gle/Uz2hH8H6NRaDHKie7
Counselors in #RobinsonISD will share Character Strong lessons this month around the character trait of courage in grades PK-12.
No school in #RobinsonISD on Friday, April 7th and Monday, April 10th.
Baseball with the thrilling win!
Softball Big win!
Baseball tonight!
Tynslee Richards Discus 122'10 1st at the Lorena Meet!
Softball Friday! Little League Night!
Congratulations Kennon McNew qualified for regional golf today in Salado. So proud of all the golfers. RNQ
Softball wins!
Baseball in Gatesville!
Softball tonight!
Congratulations girls on a great season. Tough loss 4-5
Halftime Rockets 3 Columbia 2 about to start second half
#RobinsonISD will be having our job fair on April 15th. For more information, please visit https://www.risdweb.org/page/hr. #RNQ
Soccer Playoffs Monday Night vs Columbia in Navasota 6:30. All tickets $5. Cash at the gate. Good Luck!!
Girls Soccer Playoffs
Monday 6pm. 3/27.
Robinson vs Columbia.
Navasota HS