#RobinsonISD is excited to partner with Mentoring Alliance for Summer Camps hosted at Robinson Elementary. Space is limited! Registration and more information can be found at: http://bit.ly/MASummerCampRobinsonISD An FAQ is located at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vS-Bb_ShihimRsBLkiy5aYuOnDh-QwXWM3IxD3HG1Vz-fdC76tOjIGE--8PUmR8o1vtZRDjU5-J3CMi/pub
almost 2 years ago, Colette Pledger
Mentoring Alliance Activities
Mentoring Alliance
#RobinsonISD will be having our job fair on April 15th. For more information, please visit https://www.risdweb.org/page/hr. #RNQ
almost 2 years ago, Tim VanCleave
Job Fair Info
Soccer wins 1-0. Such a great game!!!
almost 2 years ago, Lonnie Judd
Soccer with good win over Mexia. Goal!!!!!!
almost 2 years ago, Lonnie Judd
Powerlifting Results! Proud of these girls and coaches. Bailey Armstrong 9th Madalynne Moore 12th McKinleigh Tull 7th Rebeka Falcon 11th Emma Turner 2nd (State Qualifier) Viviana Leauvano 6th
almost 2 years ago, Lonnie Judd
Rocket Regional Powerlifters about to go to work!
almost 2 years ago, Lonnie Judd
#RobinsonISD is closed for spring break for students and staff March 6th-10th.
almost 2 years ago, Colette Pledger
spring break
5:00 game at the Jarrell softball Tournament has been called today because of potential bad weather. Tournament play resumes for the Rockets on Friday.
almost 2 years ago, Lonnie Judd
Congratulations Coach Eby 500 wins!!!!
almost 2 years ago, Lonnie Judd
Counselors in #RobinsonISD will share Character Strong lessons this month around the character traits of cooperation in grades PK-6 and trustworthiness in grades 7-12.
almost 2 years ago, Colette Pledger
March Character Traits
Softball comes up short in a tough battle with a ranked Grandview Zebra team. Rockets lose 3-4 in the 8th
almost 2 years ago, Lonnie Judd
Congratulations Robinson Cheer!
almost 2 years ago, Lonnie Judd
This week the #RobinsonISD Rocket Report shares information from our Ag Barn Groundbreaking. The new ag barn will be located on the same property as the existing ag barn off W Lyndale. Video: https://youtube.com/watch?v=RFP9rJrCReE
almost 2 years ago, Colette Pledger
AG Barn Groundbreaking
For more information on current openings, please visit our website at https://risd.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx.
almost 2 years ago, Tim VanCleave
Openings 2-27-23
Rocket Sports for the Week!
almost 2 years ago, Lonnie Judd
This week can't end without sending a huge thank you to our #RobinsonISD Ag Educators. Thank you for the days, hours, late nights and long drives. Thanks for sharing knowledge of agriculture, words of encouragement, laughs, and time with students.
almost 2 years ago, Colette Pledger
Ag Teacher Thank You
4th in state! First contestant to ever go from RHS! Proud is an understatement! #RobinsonISD
almost 2 years ago, Kati Dietzman
4th in state👊🏼❤️🚀
So happy to be in Austin today supporting Mathew at the State UIL Film Maker's Contest! His documentary over the West explosion is phenomenal! Results will post this afternoon. #RobinsonISD
almost 2 years ago, Kati Dietzman
This kid is going places!
Great Job Softball 17-7 over West!
almost 2 years ago, Lonnie Judd
It's National FFA Week! Did you know that #RobinsonISD has 207 FFA and Junior FFA Members? FFA prepares members for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through ag education. FFA promotes citizenship, volunteerism, patriotism and cooperation.
almost 2 years ago, Colette Pledger
National FFA Week