Great game in Stephenville today. We came up just a tad short. 53-47 #RobinsonISD
about 2 years ago, Kati Dietzman
Way to play, Boys!
Winter Break Begins! We hope that you all have a safe break and we can't wait to see you on January 4, 2023!
about 2 years ago, Colette Pledger
Winter Break
The second nine weeks ends on December 16, 2022.
about 2 years ago, Colette Pledger
End of Nine Weeks
#RobinsonISD Administration had some wonderful holiday cheer and music brought to us by HS students today! We are blessed with amazing students and staff!
about 2 years ago, Colette Pledger
HS students
HS students
Huge thanks to the choir this evening for entertaining the crowd at HEBs Feast of Sharing! #RobinsonISD
about 2 years ago, Kati Dietzman
RHS Choir
This week the Rocket Report shares information about upcoming student holiday performances in #RobinsonISD. Please watch the video for information:
about 2 years ago, Colette Pledger
Holiday Performances
Tickets for tomorrow’s boys basketball game in Lampasas are available online only. Here is a link to get tickets: #RobinsonISD
about 2 years ago, Travis Braugh
Great job to our cheer squad this morning at the Lake Belton competition! #RobinsonISD
about 2 years ago, Kati Dietzman
Great job, Ladies!
Post Competition
As we wind down the first semester, we have a busy week ahead. Please take note that December 16 will be an early dismissal at 1:00. Thanks and have a great week! #RobinsonISD
about 2 years ago, Travis Braugh
Last day to buy Winter Wonderland tickets is tomorrow, Friday, 12/9/22! Tickets are for sale before school in the office or in the cafeteria during lunch. $20 each for dance entry, snacks/drinks & a DJ! We hope to see lots of kids on Saturday evening! #RobinsonISD
about 2 years ago, Kati Dietzman
Congratulations to our awesome RHS students who created this year's Robinson ISD Christmas Card!! We are so proud to see all of the different areas in which our students excel! Thank you Ana, Mateo, Mr. Collins, and Alessandra (not pictured)!
about 2 years ago, Michael Hope
We are in need of the following for the dance on Saturday! If you could donate one or more items, please drop it off at the high school office by 4:00 on Friday! Please comment if you can help! #RobinsonISD 4 dozen rice krispie treats 1 case of Coke 3 cases of Sprite 2 fruit trays
about 2 years ago, Kati Dietzman
Please make sure you have your calendar marked for Winter Break. Students December 19-January 3, 2023! We will see students again on January 4th!
about 2 years ago, Colette Pledger
Winter Holiday Break 2022-2023
Only four more days to get your Winter Formal ticket! Tickets are $20 and sold before school and at lunch! Parents-please consider donating a snack! We need to feed some hungry kids on Sat. night!
about 2 years ago, Kati Dietzman
Student EOC testing is listed below. This is for students that have already earned credit for these courses or have taken EOC in this subject area before and are retesting. Please contact the HS office if you have questions.
about 2 years ago, Colette Pledger
EOC testing
Congrats to the RHS cheer squad on taking 1st place @ the Dallas ISD Cheer Competition! #RobinsonISD
about 2 years ago, Kati Dietzman
Gold medals!
Another opportunity to give to our community is partnering with Team Protos staff for Project Linus. #RobinsonISD
about 2 years ago, Colette Pledger
project Linus
It was decided yesterday December 16th will be an early release for the district. All students will be released at 1:00. We will send a specific class schedule next Friday. Other than that, just a friendly reminder pajama pants are not part of the dress code. #RobinsonISD
about 2 years ago, Travis Braugh
Several parents have asked for a way to bless staff during the holiday season. Thanks to Mrs. Slider, a parent, for getting this started! Any cards donated will go into a drawing for RHS staff. We’d love to have your support! #RobinsonISD
about 2 years ago, Kati Dietzman
#RobinsonISD counselor lessons in the month of December will focus on the character trait of empathy.
about 2 years ago, Colette Pledger
December Counselor Lessons