Coach Ludlow has been in #RobinsonISD for a few weeks and we want to make sure he is officially welcomed and introduced to the community.
Please join us in congratulating Coach Williams for being named the head boys basketball coach in #RobinsonISD!
Please welcome Carter McCown to #RobinsonISD.
Please mark your calendar & come support our kids! Be there at 1:30. #RobinsonISD
Drop an emoji if you are as proud of our kids and sponsor, Ms. Mawhirter, as we are! On to the next level of competition! #RobinsonISD
On an exciting night of Rocket Soccer, the girls lost 0-3, but the boys came back in the final 10 minutes for a 2-1 victory. We’re so proud of the heart both teams showed tonight. #RNQ #RobinsonISD
Give these students a word of encouragement in the comments as they compete this week in regional powerlifting. Girls compete 3/4 and boys compete 3/13. We are proud of you!
2022-23 Robinson ISD School Calendar
The Robinson High School Symphonic Band had a fantastic performance at the Concert & Sight-Reading Contest today. Great job by all of our students and directors, they received 1s! We’re proud of all of your hard work. #RobinsonISD
Character lessons during the month of March from campus counselors will focus on courage at the elementary campuses and citizenship for secondary students. #RobinsonISD
Happy Read Across America Day!
Let's give our Audio Video Production students an applause in the comments for their hard work this year as we close out CTE Month by celebrating this program of study in #RobinsonISD.
View the Rocket Report at:
Teacher of the Week: Mr. Jeff McNew is being recognized for his work with students in construction trade and SkillsUSA. As he strives for excellence in his own teaching, he builds positive relationships with his students & colleagues. #RobinsonISD
Correction to the earlier post, 7th period starts at 2:16 NOT 2:26. Here’s the updated schedule. #RobinsonISD
Robinson ISD Update:
After driving the roads around Robinson this morning, school will still begin at 10 am. If you feel that it is not safe for your child(ren) to get to school safely, please keep them at home.
Please see the attached schedule to know the order of classes.
Robinson ISD Update:
With the possibility of bad weather, classes will begin at 10:00 am on Thursday (2/24). Buses will run on a 2-hour delay. Admin staff report at 9:30 and all other staff at 9:45. We will drive the roads in the morning and send out any changes by 7:00 am.
Free prom dresses for Juniors and Seniors @ Rocket Café this Saturday 2-4pm.
This week the Rocket Report continues to celebrate CTE Month with information about the Agriculture and Welding programs of study in #RobinsonISD.
We have received word that Bus 11 will be approximately 30 minutes late today. An announcement has been made at the school so students should be aware. We are sorry for the inconvenience. #RobinsonISD
Don't forget about Kindness Week. Friday is blue. Here is a short video about Friday from RHS students.