The Rocket Report information is communicated in the graphics below. Video is coming soon.
Wear Yellow on Monday, 9/16 for Start with Hello Week. Meet someone new today and say Hello. Invite them to hang out, or ask a question to see what you have in common. #RobinsonISD
Great day in Ms. Mawhirter's court room! #RobinsonISD
9/16-9/20 is Start with Hello Week which teaches students in grades K-12 to build connections, end loneliness, and help each other. Each day our campus counselors have planned small and powerful actions to promote kindness in #RobinsonISD. See the graphic for details.
FFA Students participated in Messy Olympics at our Ag Barn last night! A great time was had by all! FFA Students are able to house their show goats, pigs, and lambs in our AG Barn. We also house show rabbits and chickens in different facilities for students.
Attendance matters! #RobinsonISD
Tuesday, September 10th is Suicide Prevention Day. Please join us in raising awareness. Students at RIS, RJH and RHS will receive information through the campus counselors. Knowing the warning signs for suicide and how to get help can help save lives.
Please enjoy the #RobinsonISD Rocket Report for the week of 9/9/24 at
Today we had our first campus House Rally of the year. With tons of student team building activities and opportunities for each person to cheer on their house. The celebration of every student and their houses was truly felt throughout the event! @Robinson ISD #RobinsonISD
Students in AV and Yearbook classes worked hard on graphics last week.. Did you know our AV students spend time each week preparing graphics for our scoreboard and then you can also find them working the games either on the scoreboard or behind a camera? #robinsonisd
Please enjoy the #RobinsonISD Rocket Report for the week of 9/2 at
Parents - Thank you a tremendous amount for your help and patience today with the water issue. It was certainly unexpected and we are so appreciative of everyone working together to get students home safely. #RobinsonISD
This week in Rocket Athletics
Please enjoy the Rocket Report for the week of 8/26 at
For tomorrow's schedule, please pay attention to the light blue section of this flier! #RobinsonISD
We can't wait to see you tomorrow, RHS!
Reminder that for the first day only, freshmen report by 8:10am (doors open at 7:40am). For 10th-12th grades: lunch begins at 11:15 a.m. and the tardy bell is at noon.
Please re-review the attached traffic plans as well. #RobinsonISD
We are excited to see you on the first day of school this week. Please enjoy the Rocket Report at for all things happening in #RobinsonISD this week.
We hope to see everyone this evening at Meet the Teacher from 6:15-7:15 and then at Meet the Rockets which will begin at 7:30! Please also take a look at important back to school info. #RobinsonISD
We are excited to share the date for our first community blood drive held by our RHS HOSA on Thursday, August, 15th from 9am-3pm at Robinson High School. Please schedule an appointment at