We continue to miss everyone! We are beyond blessed by the amazing parents, students, & staff in #RobinsonISD.
Information for the week of April 20-24 is included in this video: https://youtu.be/2lFFs8H14MI
Thank you @EpiphanySoulOrg and Kim Tatum for your awesome donation of Powerade drinks for our students with the grab-and-go meals!! What an encouragement to see so many contributing to the needs of others!
#RobinsonISD #RNQ
Robinson ISD: The Governor just announced that school buildings will remain closed for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year. Although we have made preliminary plans for changes to graduation, we will wait to hear from the Commissioner next week to finalize the plans. #RNQ
Please share the link below for Pre-K and Kinder Roundup with anyone you know that has a student that will enter Pre-K or Kinder in Robinson ISD for the 2020-2021 school year.
Please reference the updated FAQ for information on grading guidelines during COVID-19. The FAQ can be located at https://www.risdweb.org/coronavirus-covid-19—4.
CDC now recommends you wear a mask in public where you can’t avoid being near people, like in grocery stores, pharmacies & healthcare settings https://bit.ly/2V8o5Y2. Remember though, your local authorities may have already issued a specific order re: masks. #StayHomeTexas
The virus lives in tiny droplets in the lungs of people w/ COVID-19, even when they don’t show symptoms. We can breathe the same air as anyone within abt. 6 ft. of us. Staying farther apart from people during this time reduces the chance of breathing in the virus. #StayHomeTexas
Please find information about instruction for #RobinsonISD for the week of April 14-17 in the video below. We are thankful for you and hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend. https://youtu.be/g0aTGvWjrQA
We hope you enjoy the pictures that were submitted for week 3 of at home COVID-19 learning. https://youtu.be/AZwvAPoEU0I #RobinsonISD
Coughing & sneezing can send tiny infected droplets into the air which can be inhaled by anyone within 6 feet of us. Always cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow and immediately wash your hands to lessen the risk of spreading the virus. Be smart. Stay well! #StayHomeTexas
Hello Senior Parents-the pictures due by 4 today are just for a little project we are working on this week to boost the spirits of our seniors. The pictures due April 24th are for the senior slideshow that is traditionally done at graduation. So sorry for any confusion and keep the photos coming! #RobinsonISD
Jay Zeller hired as new Director of Athletics.
Thursday Motivation for Virtual Spirit Week - Celebrate Rockets wearing your emoji clothes or paint your face with your favorite emoji. Follow the Move This World (https://vimeo.com/179220928) video and practice the techniques. #RobinsonISD
People with no symptoms have the potential to unknowingly spread COVID-19! That’s why it’s best for everyone in your family to stay at home and away from others as much as possible until instructed otherwise from state and local officials. #StayHomeTexas
People with no symptoms have the potential to unknowingly spread COVID-19! That’s why it’s best for everyone in your family to stay at home and away from others as much as possible until instructed otherwise from state and local officials. #StayHomeTexas
Wellness Wednesday for Virtual Spirit Week - Move your entire world and wear your favorite team jersey or shirt. Do some kickboxing, jumping jacks, and exercise routines from your Campus Coach or your favorite online streaming exercise routine.
Texas, remember the importance of social distancing. If you must go out, avoid public spaces & keep your distance from others (at least 6 feet). If we continue to follow valuable public health guidance, fewer of our friends & family will be affected by COVID-19. #StayHomeTexas
Texas, remember the importance of social distancing. If you must go out, avoid public spaces & keep your distance from others (at least 6 feet). If we continue to follow valuable public health guidance, fewer of our friends & family will be affected by COVID-19. #StayHomeTexas
We are very proud to announce that RISD has been selected as one the NAAM Foundations 2020 Best Communities for Music Education! What an honor! Great job by our directors, students, and all who support the Pride of the Blue! #RobinsonISD
Parents of seniors! We are working on a little something to celebrate your kids! Please have them log onto Schoology, click the link that says Celebrating Seniors 2020, enter their name & drop a picture of themselves🚀 We need pictures by tomorrow at 4:00! #RobinsonISD