The Rockets have had a couple solid days of tennis! It's so fun to watch these students grow week of week. #RobinsonISD
RJH's 7th grade band got straight 1s at today's UIL performance! It was a job well done by all our students and directors. #RobinsonISD
On March 1st, #RobinsonISD unveiled the Teacher Incentive Allotment designations based on data from the '22-'23 school year. Congratulations to these 57 RISD teachers for their well-deserved recognition and dedication to student success. They will receive performance pay from the state (TEA) for the next 5 years.
Please enjoy the Rocket Report for the week of 3/25 at
Mark your calendars
Student & Staff Holiday - Friday, March 29th and Monday, April 1st.
Next week is a busy week, and it's only four days. Please look over this to see what's to come! #RobinsonISD
Big thanks to our NJHS members who have been volunteering at Pack of Hope on Tuesdays. We have helped pack food for 1,000s of local kids!!! #RobinsonISD
Congratulations to Tyson for advancing to the Regional Round of the Spelling Bee! We're proud of your hard work. Thanks for Ms. Drummond for coordinating the event this year! #RobinsonISD
Rocket Track at Riesel. Great job by our teams! #RobinsonISD
Please make plans to join us at our #RobinsonISD Job Fair! You may register and find more information including open positions at
We're celebrating our houses today during WIN time! We spent some time learning about the history and meaning behind our houses & how we can embody those characteristics. #RobinsonISD
Please enjoy the Rocket Report for #RobinsonISD for the week of 3/18 at
Robinson ISD is hiring! There is a #RobinsonISD job fair on Wednesday, 3/20 held at Robinson Intermediate. Sign up for the job fair and apply online at
Great day at RJH! Student and teacher collaboration, learning and discussion! We are thankful for our teachers and students in #RobinsonISD who are persistent and committed learners.
Next week is another action packed one at RJH! Be sure to check out some Talk More, Tech Less if you missed it the other night. #RobinsonISD
Report Cards are available for the second third weeks in the Skyward Parent Portal 3/15/2024 at 4pm. #RobinsonISD
If you missed Talk More Tech Less tonight, we learned about digital wellness such as how to detox nightly from technology! Join us 3/21 6-7pm at RIS - ALL ages and ALL parents welcome!
It's a great night for some JH track. It's fun to see these students excel in so many events and cheer each other on. #RobinsonISD
We are starting in 40 min. with Talk More, Tech Less happening @RISgreatness. Get help navigating the social media landscape with your kids! Learn about phone settings, and other tips, and tricks to help keep your children safe online. #ParentingTips #RobinsonISD📱🔒
Please make plans to join us at our #RobinsonISD Job Fair! You may register and find more information including open positions at